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SEM-CL應用 量子點異質(zhì)結

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      The second half of the 20th century has seen the emergence of semiconductor quantum struc-tures driven by promises of far superior performances in particular regarding light emission.The dimensionality was reduced down to point-like quantum dots (QDs). QDs exhibit intriguing similarities with atoms and tremendous efforts were made to assess their properties.

      The growth of quantum dots embedded in filamentary crystals, known as nanowires (NWs), become relevant given the strong interaction between light and NWs. QDs in NWs are particular expected to be key elements in quantum technologies, such as quantum communi-cations and cryptography.  However, the reduced dimensionality of both QDs (ar. 5–10 nm) and NWs (ar. 100–200 nm in diameter) can strongly complicates the measurements of the QDs properties. In particular,  absolute QDs position and resolution between closely lying dots is hard to assess with full-optical measurement due to diffraction limitations.
      This limit can be overcomed with cathodoluminescence measurements, which makes possible the investigations on the position of QDs and their appearance depending on the properties of the host NW. For our structures, made of GaAs and AlGaAs, the Attolight CL-SEM allows us to work at cryogenic temperature, a necessary condition to observe light emission from the QDs. 
      Furthermore, the Attolight microscope provides the following advantages compared to traditional system :
– The large numerical aperture ensures a very high signal-to-noise ratio, leading to a shorter exposure of the QDs to the electron beam and hence reducing the risk of bleaching as well as speeding up the experiment.
– The higher signal allows to use straightforwardly a spectrometer-CCD detection channel, without the need of photomultiplier tube, yielding directly fast hyper- spectral mapping. The wide emission spectral range is then captured (in our case from 650 nm to 900 nm).
– The spatial resolution permits to resolve closely lying dots as well as local features such as changes in the matrix crystal phase.


北京正通遠恒科技有限公司      地址:北京市朝陽區(qū)勝古中路2號院7號樓A座611室      郵編:100029       京ICP備12001926號-1
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